Front pageFields of treatmentPrivate clinic for burnout


Back to life with new strength

Many people are exposed to strong pressure in their job and everyday life: constant availability, flexibility and load capacity are demanded. The complexity of tasks and areas of responsibility are increasing. Stress is normal for many – and to a certain extent beneficial. But when it gets out of hand, burnout can develop. Those affected suffer from complete exhaustion. If burnout is detected at an early stage, it is easily treatable.

Make a non-binding appointment with our specialists +423 238 85 68 now.

Burnout symptoms

  • Exhaustion
  • Decreased efficiency
  • Self-alienation
  • Lack of relaxation
  • Low load capacity
  • Decreased performance satisfaction
  • Feeling of indifference
  • Lack of concentration
  • Helplessness
  • Lack of strength
  • Sleep disturbances

There are symptoms that are considered the first warning signs of an impending burnout: Sleep disturbances or physical complaints such as headaches or digestive problems can be the first signs. They are often ignored or compensated for, e.g. with increased alcohol consumption or medication abuse, in order to remain productive. Over time, however, the exhaustion can progress more and more – until the burnout syndrome manifests itself and all areas of life are affected.

Causes and backgrounds of burnout

Every person perceives stress differently. Some feel overburdened even with moderate pressure; for them, little is enough to develop burnout. Others, on the other hand, can cope well even with strong pressure

The development of a burnout syndrome is a complex process that can take place over a long period of time and can affect anyone. Internal and external factors are decisive. External factors include, for example, permanent overload at work, constant accessibility and a lack of sense of achievement. Internal factors include the tendency to perfectionism and the problem of being able to say “no”. These two factors initially appear to be contradictory, but they also have similarities. With both factors, the person concerned strives for recognition, but has difficulty expressing it.


We want to create an atmosphere in which you can concentrate fully on your treatment. To this end, our interdisciplinary team of experts develops an individual therapy plan. The basis is high-frequency individual therapy, supplemented by group therapy sessions. A wide range of special therapies, mindfulness training and our innovative sports concept complete the holistic treatment concept. During therapy, personal stress factors are analyzed and individual strategies are developed to effectively counteract them in the future.

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